TE for Education - Instructions for Organizations

Thanks for joining our TonalEnergy for Education program! In order for you to install the software on your devices, you will first need to set up the user licenses for your site. 

Setting Up User Licenses

At least one person in your organization will be a “license manager” responsible for entering the email addresses of all the students or teachers in your organization in our license dashboard. If you need to specify additional people who should be license managers, please contact us at support@tonalenergy.com with their email address so we can add them to the system.

Your license managers can access the web portal for license management for your organization at this web site, and their initial password will have been emailed to them when we added them as license managers for your account:

Use Company ID: tonalenergy
And enter your email address and password to login

Once logged in, select Licenses on the left navigation column, then select the row you’ll see for the TonalEnergy Tuner for Education license item. Then select License Users near the top right of the page. You will see a list of any users you have already added (or an empty list if visiting the page for the first time). You can add a new person to your license by pressing the Assign license user button, or to assign multiple new users at once, use the Batch license assign button. In both cases you’ll be entering a working email address for each person (that can receive emails from outside the organization, because the emails will be coming from the licensespring.com domain). The initial passwords that can be used to activate the application will be automatically generated and sent to each person. 

If desired, the users can later change their password for the TE for Education license by using the same instructions above to login to their dashboard. Regular license users added this way are not license managers and will only be able to see their own information about the devices they’ve installed the application on.

Installing the Application

There are special versions of the iOS and Android TE Tuner application that can be installed for free using the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. For Chromebooks, the Android version of this application on the Google Play Store should be used. Because they are free apps, you should be able to install them on institutional devices. For Windows and Mac computers, the regular TE Tuner & Met app for desktop can be installed, and activated using the username/password option (and not license key).

The iOS version of the application is unlisted to prevent confusion for users of the normal retail version when searching. You and your students need to use these links to access the correct version of the app for installation:

Use the Download link to download the application installer, you do NOT need to purchase anything on this page.

Once installed, on first use they require a valid user email and password (as set up in the previous section) to activate. If they are using the Windows or Mac application after it is first installed, please select the “Click here to login with TE for Education account instead…” button first, then enter your email and password received above. You should only need to do it once, after that it will not ask you to re-enter any information unless you deactivate it later in the Preferences, or the License menu (on desktop).